Does NFPA 484 Apply to You? | Combustible Dust Removal

The standards established by the National Fire Protection Association are used for guidance on the safe handling, storage, and use of metals associated with combustible dust, to prevent fires, explosions, and other hazards. NFPA 484 is a standard that was developed to provide guidelines for processing, handling, and storing combustible metals – including requirements for dust collection systems and regular inspections of equipment.

The NFPA 484 standard includes requirements for controlling the accumulation of combustible dust in a facility and preventing ignition sources from coming into contact with explosive dust. Compliance with NFPA 484 can help eliminate the risks of dust explosions and protect staff, equipment, and facilities from harm.


Whether or not NFPA 484 applies to you depends on the nature of your work and the materials you handle. The NFPA introduced 484 Standard for Combustible Metals to prohibit collecting aluminum, magnesium, and other combustible metal dust with dry downdraft tables, requiring that companies handling combustible dust implement wet downdraft tables and dust collectors to remain in compliance.

A combustible dust hazard can be determined when machine operators are: grinding, deburring, cutting, blasting, sieving, or polishing combustible metals and if there is an ignition source present - such as weld arcs, electrical enclosures, grinding sparks, kilns, or stoves.

To accurately determine if NFPA 484 applies to the metalworking processes in your facility, it is important to consult with a qualified professional to determine what steps to take to ensure your workplace is compliant. The Fume Xtractors team can help you understand the hazards associated with the materials you handle and whether or not compliance with NFPA 484 is required.

In general, it is always a good idea to prioritize safety in the workplace, regardless of whether or not a specific NFPA standard applies to your facility. This includes outfitting your facility with explosion-proof equipment like wet downdraft tables that are designed to prevent sparks and hot surfaces from coming into contact with combustible dust.

Other ways you can keep your workplace saff is by developing a hazard analysis to identify potential fire and explosion risks associated with the handling and storage of combustible metals. Don't forget to establish written safety procedures and training programs to educate staff that works with and around combustible metal dust, and conduct regular inspections to ensure that fire and explosion risks are minimized.

Combustible dust is a serious hazard in many industries, and can lead to devastating fires and explosions if not properly controlled. To learn more about Fume Xtractors solution for combustible dust, contact our specialists or request a quote today.

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