Laser Cutting Fume Extractors | Plasma Cutting Fume Extractors


Golden sparks are being emitted from a laser and plasma cutting tool in motion.

Fume Extractors for Laser & Plasma Cutting

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Why Buy a Fume Extractor

Increase Visibility While Welding

Eliminate Health & Safety Risk

Improve Employee Morale

Comply With OSHA/NIOSH Regulations

A burst of sparks being discharged from a laser and plasma cutting tool in process.

Laser & Plasma Cutting Safety

Laser and plasma cutting are utilized to split and cut metals and metal materials in welding and metal fabrication applications. Laser and plasma cutting processes generate fumes, gases, and smoke that can contain a variety of harmful oxides. The fumes and smoke released during laser and plasma cutting contain metals and compounds that are dangerous when inhaled by machine operators. Understanding the risks and implementing safety measures is crucial for any facility using these cutting methods.

Inhaling these fumes over extended periods can lead to potential long-term respiratory issues, occupational asthma, metal fume fever, and even cancer. Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) serve as guidelines and recommendations for acceptable exposure levels to hazardous substances. It's crucial for industries utilizing laser and plasma cutting to be aware of the TLVs for substances in their operations and ensure that exposure remains below these levels.

The particle size in laser and plasma fume impacts the overall toxicity level. Fumes and smoke made up of smaller particles create higher, and more severe, exposure risks when fume extraction systems are not implemented.

While laser cutting and plasma cutting vary in application, they both require fume extraction systems to capture and filter contaminants at or near the source.

The Dangers of Laser and Plasma Cutting Fumes

Composition: Fumes contain various harmful metal oxides, gases, and particulates.
Health Risks:
• Short-term: Respiratory irritation, metal fume fever
• Long-term: Occupational asthma, cancer (with prolonged exposure to certain fumes)
Particle Size: Smaller particles pose higher toxicity and exposure risks.
Threshold Limit Values (TLVs): Guidelines for acceptable exposure levels that must be adhered to.

Laser Cutting Process and Risks

The laser cutting process works through a digital computer program that allows machine operators to precisely measure and receive exact dimensions for their projects. During the laser cutting process, when the beam interacts with metals, high temperatures cause the encircling air to expand and rapidly release harmful emissions such as smoke, aerosols, or chemical vapors.

Worksites and facilities that utilize laser cutting must implement proper fume extraction systems to ensure machine operators are protected at all times.

Plasma Cutting Process and Risks

Plasma cutting utilizes high-temperatures to split metals like aluminum, stainless steel, and copper. During the plasma cutting process, the fumes, smoke, and gases that are transmitted may include nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, and mixtures with oxygen.

When metals coated with materials like hexavalent chromium (to avoid corrosion) are being torched, welded, or cut, they release particulate that can result in eye, skin, and respiratory system issues. These contaminants must be extracted at-the-source to protect workers from severe health and safety risks.

Safety Measures and Best Practices

Fume Extraction Systems:
• Implement at-source extraction for both laser and plasma cutting
• Ensure systems are properly sized and positioned for maximum effectiveness
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
• Respirators appropriate for the specific fumes generated
• Protective eyewear and clothing
• Maintain good general ventilation in addition to local exhaust systems
• Educate workers on the risks and proper use of safety equipment
• Ensure operators understand the importance of proper positioning and use of extraction systems
Regular Monitoring:
• Conduct air quality tests to ensure exposure remains below TLVs
• Regularly inspect and maintain fume extraction systems
Material Awareness:
• Be aware of the composition of materials being cut, especially coatings
• Adjust safety measures accordingly for high-risk materials
Work Practices:
• Implement work rotations to limit individual exposure time
• Keep cutting areas clean to prevent accumulation of hazardous particles

Don't compromise on health and safety. Contact FumeXtractors today for a free consultation and quote on our high-quality laser and plasma fume extraction systems. Our solutions are designed to deliver long-lasting performance and ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

(866) 651-9762
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